My journey to build confidence
You know that little voice inside your head? The one that sometimes cheers you on but other times loves to criticize? Yeah, that one. For the longest time, mine was a total jerk. It kept saying things like, “You’re not good enough,” “You’ll never make it,” or “You don’t deserve this.” Honestly, it was exhausting.
I remember this one time when I was applying for a job I really wanted. My inner critic went into full attack mode: “You’re not qualified,” “They’ll never pick you,” “You’re going to bomb the interview.” I almost didn’t even bother applying!
But then, I decided to try something new. I started a “gratitude journal.” Every day, I wrote down three things I appreciated. They didn’t have to be big things – just little moments or things I was thankful for. It helped shift my focus from what I thought was wrong with me to all the good stuff in my life.
I also started a “strengths list.” Every time I thought of something I was good at, I wrote it down. At first, it felt awkward, but before I knew it, that list started to grow. Turns out, I was doing a lot better than my inner critic wanted me to believe!
Little by little, I started turning the volume down on that negative voice. Instead of listening to it, I began talking back with encouragement: “You’ve got this,” “You’re capable,” “You’re stronger than you think.” And you know what? It worked. I landed that job, and many more since.
Here’s the thing: building self-esteem isn’t about being cocky or thinking you’re better than anyone else. It’s about realizing your own worth, accepting who you are, and treating yourself the way you’d treat a good friend – with kindness and respect.
If you want to start quieting that inner critic and building up your confidence, here are a few ideas that worked for me:

Gratitude Journal
(Seriously, give it a try!) Each day, write down three things you’re grateful for. It could be your favorite song, a great conversation, or just a really good snack.
Strengths Spotlight
Make a list of your skills, talents, and things you enjoy doing. It’s a great reminder that you do have a lot to offer.
Kindness Challenge
Do one small kind thing for someone every day. It could be as simple as holding the door for someone or sending a nice text to a friend. Kindness feels good, and it helps you see the good in yourself, too.
Inner Critic Journal
Whenever that critical voice pipes up, write down what it’s saying. Then, challenge it with more realistic, compassionate thoughts.
Celebrate Your Wins
Create a board or a space where you keep reminders of your achievements – pictures, notes, anything that makes you proud. Look at it whenever you need a confidence boost.
Trust me, changing the way you talk to yourself takes time, but it’s so worth it. You deserve to feel good about who you are, and that inner champion of yours is just waiting for you to give it a chance.